Godalming crest

Godalming Band

Brass band in Godalming since 1937


Why not support Godalming Band and Godalming Youth Band by becoming a Supporter of the Band?

There are various ways in which you can do this:

Join our mailing list to receive updates about band events and news. You will be able to reserve concert tickets to pick up at the door to ensure you don’t miss out!

Join our Supporters and enter the 100 Club. This is a monthly draw, with half the proceeds going to band funds, and the other half paid as prize money, allocated between a first and second prize of two thirds and one third respectively. Prize funds depend on the number of people taking part in the draw, so the more people taking part, the bigger the prizes! The cost of taking part is £1 per month (paid £12 per annum).

Offer occasional help at concerts and events. Could you spare some time to help serve refreshments or steward at a concert, donate a raffle prize or help with fundraising in some other way?

Email the Supporters Secretary at supporters@godalming.band if you would like to be added to our mailing list, are interested in joining for the 100 Club, or helping in any other way.